Tuesday, October 22, 2024

2 Day International Conference on Diffusion of ICTs in Academia: Learning in the Digital Age in Islamic Countries from October 4-5, 2010 at Khartoum, Republic of Sudan

Inter Islamic Network on Information Technology (INIT) in collaboration with Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS), Islamic Scientific Educational and Cultural Organization(ISESCO), Industrial Consultancy and Research Center (IRCC), Republic of Sudan and University of Science and Technology Sudan convened a Two (2)- Day International Conference on ‘Diffusion of ICTs in Academia: Learning in the Digital Age in Islamic Countries’ on October 4-5, 2010 at Khartoum, Republic of Sudan.

The main focus of the conference was to emphasize the need of finding the opportunities and get prepared to make the most of them in the field of health, services, governance, economic development and raising the standards of living in developing countries, specially the Islamic world. This could be done only by restructuring the intellectual and Educational setup and inducting the modern trends of ICTs in it. Get prepared to coup up with the challenges ahead in race of development and adaptation to the Latest drivers of technology based economy. Adopt the policies to shrink the gulf between the industrial needs and educational product by inculcating more skill based frame work in academia and engaging the whole setup with latest Information and communication Technology.

The subject conference was proved a great platform of expression and excellent forum for academicians and professionals from Islamic world to help facilitate exchange ideas and discuss best practices in diffusion of ICTs in academics. The conference improved links between measures and initiatives at all levels, and provided a forum to all the stakeholders i-e Universities, Policy makers of Islamic states, training centers and Industrial representatives.

We can count it as an exemplary success where there was scholarly representation of thirteen countries with contribution of seventeen papers, two panel discussions and a keynote address. Eighteen Institutions got benefit from the event. Following is the country wise list.

  1. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
    1. Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS), Head Quarter, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
    2. National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore, Islamic Republic of Pakistan. COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
  2. Kingdom of Morocco
    1. Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Kingdom of Morocco.
  3. Republic of Sudan
    1. Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre (IRCC), Khartoum, Republic of Sudan.
    2. University of Science and Technology, Omdurman, Republic of Sudan.
    3. University of Khartoum, Republic of Sudan
    4. Open university of Sudan.
  4. Malaysia
    1. Multimedia University, Malaysia
    2. University of Malaya, Malaysia.
  5. Republic of Korea
    1. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, (KAIST), Republic of Korea
  6. Republic of Tunisia
    1. Information and Communication Sciences Institute of Press and Information, Republic of Tunisia
  7. Arab Republic of Egypt
    1. Cairo University, Arab Republic of Egypt.
  8. Brunei-Darussalam
    1. Faculty of Business and I.T, University of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei-Darussalam.
  9. Republic of Uganda
    1. The Uganda National Council for Science and Technology, Kampala, Republic of Uganda.
  10. Islamic Republic of Iran
    1. Research & Development in Information Technology, (ACECR), Nassir Branch, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.
  11. Republic of Yemen
    1. Hodeidah University, Republic of Yemen
  12. State of Palestine
    1. Arab American University of Jenin, state of Palestine.
  13. Islamic Republic of Mauritania
    1. University of Nouakchott, Islamic Republic of Mauritania
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