Tuesday, October 22, 2024

One Week Training Course on Technology Transfer Policy for Developing Countries from October 12 – 17, 2009 at Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

INIT in collaboration with OIC standing Committee on Science and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH), and Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA conducted a one week training course on ‘Technology Transfer Policy for Developing Countries’ on October 12-17, 2009 in Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

The main objective of the workshop was to educate the stake holders with the guidelines that should be observed when work in de field of latest technological era either operators or policy makers.

The course was delivered by Technology Transfer and Policy experts to the participants from the private and public sector’s scientists, technology managers and policy planners.

Conference as attended by representatives from four countries and issues discussed were as under.

  • International Competitiveness and Technological Change, key concepts and terminologies for training course.
  • National system of innovation: Industrialized and semi industrialized countries (mainly setting foundation of National Innovation Systems) as these systems have impact on international technology transfer activities
  • Technology Transfer and Globalization.
  • Foreign direct Investment.

Total 17 participants take part representing 9 institutions from 4 countries. The list is as under.

  1. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
    1. COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan
    2. Atomic Energy Commission of Pakistan.
    3. National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad.
    4. Quaid e Azam University, Islamabad.
    5. Youth Humanitarian Sciences Network (YHSN), Islamabad.
  2. Sultanate of Oman
    1. The Research Council (TRC), Ministry of Higher Education, Oman.
  3. Republic of Yemen
    1. University Aden, Republic of Yemen.
    2. University of Sanaa, Republic of Yemen.
  4. Hashemite Kingdom Jordan
    1. Al Balqa Applied University, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Resource Persons

  • Dr. Nawaz Sharif
    Principal Consultant,
    Myriad Solutions, Inc.
    Fulton, Maryland, USA
  • Dr. S.T.K. Naim
    COMSTECH Secretariat
    Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Dr. Anjum Fayaz
    United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
    Lahore, Pakistan.