Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Education and Training

Science, technology and innovation have emerged as the forces which are taking the world forward. Their role has penetrated in every aspect of human life and embracing new technological developments is no more a choice but a necessity. To benefit from the unprecedented and fast-growing technological innovations, there is a vital need for investment in human capital. The persistent process of education and training of human resource in line with the technological innovations and developments is reckoned to be an indispensable need for the progress of any country.

Bearing that in mind, INIT realizes the importance of the development of technical human resource in the OIC member states that, unfortunately, don’t rate high on the human development index. In an earnest effort towards achieving its objectives of aiding these OIC member countries to develop their human capital in order to cater to the regional needs, INIT has been convening numerous collaborative training workshops in the various field of education ranging from science, agriculture, healthcare, internet security etc. These events also focused on education and training of people with disabilities and explored the ways for improving the lives of marginalized communities and mainstreaming them through the use of technology.

Under this program, so far, INIT has organized 19 events in which about 915 delegates representing around 255 institutions from 41 countries participated. The brief summary of these training workshops is given below:

  1. Webinar on Digital Accessibility in a COVID-19 World, June 26, 2020 International Telecommunication WSIS Forum 2020 The webinar was convened in collaboration with UNESCO Chair in ICTD, COMSATS University Islamabad and Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications, Pakistan. A total of 7 panelists from 3 countries contributed in elaborating the need for Digital Accessibility in the fields of education, employment and affordability for the most marginalized communities. A total of 54 participants from around the world were present. The event entailed brief accounts from panel members from diverse backgrounds on accessibility challenges and practical solutions. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=155433.


  1. Regional Consultation on ICTs for Development: Mainstreaming the Marginalized February 03, 2020 Jamshoro Pakistan The forum was convened in collaboration with University of Sindh, COMSATS University Islamabad, and UNESCO Chair in ICTD. It was participated by 41 delegates representing 12 institutions including PWDs, representatives of rural communities in Sindh and minority leaders.


  1. 3rd Two Day International Workshop on ICTs for Development: Mainstreaming the Marginalized January 28 -29, 2020 Islamabad, Pakistan The workshop was convened in collaboration with Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication, COMSATS University Islamabad, and UNESCO Chair in ICT for Development. It was participated by 92 delegates representing 51 institutions from two countries i.e. Pakistan and United Kingdom. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=155290


  1. Consultation on Skill Development Using Technology for PWDs, at International Day of Persons with Disabilities, December 3, 2019, Auditorium, National Skill University, Islamabad, Pakistan The consultation session was organized in collaboration with National Skills University and Pakistan Disabled Foundation and was attended by 75 participants representing disability groups from all over Pakistan. The consultation focused on understanding employability issues faced by PWDs and how technological tools can bridge such issues.


  1. INIT-UNESCAP-ITU Workshop on Digital Accessibility at WSIS Forum, April 8 - 12, 2019, Geneva, Switzerland. The INIT in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair in ICT4D team initiated and convened the first ever session of Accessibility Day at the WSIS Annual Forum on April 8, 2019. The session was attended by over 25 participants hailing from 9 countries i.e. Commonwealth of Australia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Iraq, State of Qatar, Swiss Confederation and United Kingdom.


  1. 3-Day Training Workshop on Non-Visual Display Software for the Visually Impaired July 30 – August 1, 2018, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The workshop was conducted in realization to the INIT’s ICTs for Development program in collaboration with the Pakistan Disabled Foundation and IGNITE, Pakistan. It was participated by around 25 blind participants from different cities of Pakistan. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=144617


  1. 2 – Day International Workshop on ICTs for Development: Mainstreaming the Marginalized October 5 – 6, 2017 COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The workshop was convened in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair on ICT4D and CIIT participated by 65 delegates representing 49 institutions from 2 countries i.e. Islamic Republic of Pakistan and United Kingdom. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=144023


  1. 4th International Workshop on Applications of ICTs in Education, Healthcare and Agriculture July 25 – 27, 2017, Abuja, Federal Republic of Nigeria The workshop was convened in collaboration with ISESCO, COMSATS HQ, and the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology / National Space Research and Development Agency (FMS&T/NASRDA), Nigeria participated by 100 delegates representing 70 institutions from 6 countries i.e. Arab Republic of Egypt, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Sudan and State of Palestine. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=143990


  1. 3rd International Workshop on Applications of ICTs in Education, Healthcare and Agriculture from 31st May to 1st June, 2016, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan The workshop was convened in collaboration ISESCO, COMSATS HQ and the Royal Scientific Society (RSS), Jordan participated by over 50 delegates from 5 countries i.e. Arab Republic of Egypt, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, People’s Republic of China, State of Palestine and United Republic of Tanzania. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=92826


  1. Regional Training Workshop on GIS for Agricultural Monitoring from March 28 – 30, 2016, Rawalpindi, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The workshop was convened in collaboration CIIT and PMAS Arid Agriculture University (PMAS-AAUR), Pakistan. The workshop was participated by the agricultural scientists, policy makers, GIS & remote sensing analysts, researchers, faculty members and students from Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Morocco, People's Democratic Republic of Algeria and Republic of the Sudan. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=92659


  1. 2 – Day Workshop on ICTs for Development: Mainstreaming the Marginalized from January 12 – 13, 2016, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The workshop was convened in collaboration CIIT and Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication (MoIT&T), Pakistan.It was attended by over 60 participants coming from academia, development & ICT sector, financial and government institutions and media. Six technical sessions were convened over the 2-day workshop. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=92547


  1. 3 – Day International Workshop on Applications of ICTs in Education, Healthcare and Agriculture, November 23 – 25, 2015, Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco. The workshop was convened in collaboration with ISESCO, COMSATS HQ and National Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (INPT), Morocco participated by 30 subject specialists, researchers and students from 11 countries i.e. Arab Republic of Egypt, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Morocco, Republic of Ghana, Republic of The Gambia, Republic of the Sudan, Republic of Senegal, State of Palestine and Uganda. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=92493


  1. 2 – Day International Workshop on Applications of ICTs in Education, Healthcare and Agriculture, December 15 – 16, 2014, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The workshop was convened in collaboration with ISESCO, COMSATS HQ and CIIT participated by delegates representing 28 institutions from 9 countries i.e. Arab Republic of Egypt, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordon, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Morocco, People's Republic of Bangladesh, Republic of Senegal, Republic of the Sudan and United Republic of Tanzania. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=92359


  1. 3 – Day International Training Workshop on Use of Information Technology in Irrigation Management for Small Scale Farming Communities in Rural Areas from December 25 – 27, 2012, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The workshop was convened in collaboration with ISESCO and CIIT participated by delegates representing 18 institutions from 8 countries i.e. Arab Republic of Egypt, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, People Republic of Bangladesh, Republic of Senegal, Republic of Sudan, State of Palestine. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/ConferenceA6.aspx


  1. 2 – Day International Training Workshop on Technological Innovation Governance for Sustainable Development from December 17 – 18, 2012, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The workshop was convened in collaboration CIIT, National Testing Service and Ministry of Information Technology, Pakistan participated by delegates representing 11 institutions from 6 countries i.e. Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Sudan, Republic of Uzbekistan, State of Kuwait, State of Qatar and Sultanate of Oman.


  1. 2 – Day Workshop On Science, Technology and Innovation Policy from October 17 – 18, 2009 at Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The workshop was convened in collaboration with CIIT participated by 247 delegates representing 6 institutions from 2 countries i.e. Islamic Republic of Pakistan and United States of America. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/ConferenceA7.aspx


  1. One Week Training Course on Technology Transfer Policy for Developing Countries from October 12 – 17, 2009 at Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The training course was conducted in collaboration with COMSTECH and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA participated by 17 delegates representing 9 institutions from 4 countries i.e. Hashemite Kingdom Jordan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Yemen and Sultanate of Oman. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/ConferenceA13.aspx


  1. 5 – Day OIC, COMSTECH Workshop on Bioinformatics: Current Progress and Practical Application from June 23 – 28, 2008, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan The workshop was convened in collaboration with COMSATS HQ,, CIIT, OIC and Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Azerbaijan participated by 21 delegates representing 12 institutions from 8 countries i.e. Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Sultanate of Oman, United Kingdom and United States of America. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/ConferenceA10.aspx


  1. 2 – Day First International Workshop on Curricula Development and Optimization in Business Administration, April 13 – 14, 2006, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The workshop was convened in collaboration with CIIT. The main emphasis of the workshop was to enhance the curriculum of business administration being followed in CIIT. 5 worthy speakers from leading academic institutions delivered lectures in which they proposed a curriculum outline courses for graduate and undergraduate studies in line with the requirements of today’s industry.Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/Conference2.aspx