Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Policy & Capacity Building

Institutional capacity building is the process to create, enhance and develop constituent’s capacity at country level to design, implement and supervise schemes to achieve its mission in an effective manner. Capacity building enables organizations and their leaders to develop competencies and skills that can make them more effective and sustainable, thus increasing its potential to enrich lives and solve society's most intractable problems and performs successfully in achieving its goals.

In an endeavour to build the capacity of OIC member states via the development of effective policy frameworks and facilitating the implementation of technologies, INIT encourages collaboration, dialogue, dissemination of information amongst the OIC member states. In this regard, INIT has been convening various conferences and consultative workshops providing a platform for the professionals from different institutions of OIC members countries to connect with the internationally renowned experts. Through these events, the eminent scholars have not only shared their valuable knowledge but have also guided, trained and educated these professionals in resolving the intricate issues at their workplaces, enhancing their skills and enabling them to get familiarized with the new system innovations, consequently, leading to the intellectual and institutional growth.

Under this program, so far, INIT has organized 24 events in which about 1,250 delegates representing around 210 institutions from 51 countries participated. The brief summary of these events is given below:

  1. Webinar on “Changing Attitudes of Men towards Women and Technology” on August 24, 2020 at WSIS Forum 2020, Geneva, Switzerland The Webinar was conducted in collaboration with UNESCO Chair in ICT4D and COMSATS University Islamabad. The aim of this session was to showcase and validate the finding of the joint research conducted by INIT, UNESCO Chair in ICT4D and COMSATS University Islamabad to better understand men’s attitudes and behaviours towards women and technology in Pakistan.


  1. Field Visits to Rural Schools in Tharparkar by INIT and UNESCO Chair in ICT4D in support of the Global EdTECH Hub Being Created by DFID and World Bank, February 2-3, 2020 A total of 8 schools were visited and interviews were conducted of 15 teachers and 60 students hailing from most marginalized communities in rural Sindh. The work would enable INIT and UNESCO Chair in ICT4D to provide guidance and consultation to implementation partners on the launch of Global EdTECH Hub.


  1. Focus Groups on Women in Technology for Preparation of Guidance Notes for International Telecommunication EQUALS and TEQtogether Initiatives January 7 – February 7, 2020 in Islamabad, Hyderabad, Mirpur, and Karachi A total of 12 focus groups comprising of 130 participants were conducted in universities, technology firms and civil societies in collaboration with UNESCO Chair in ICT4D to develop policy guidance notes facilitating women employability in the technology sector.


  1. 5th – ISESCO-COMSATS-INIT International Conference on Agriculture, Biotechnology and Food Security: Role of ICTs, November 4 – 6, 2019, Monastir, Republic of Tunisia The workshop was convened in collaboration with ISESCO, COMSATS HQ and The World Academy of Sciences for Advancement of Science in Developing Countries Young Affiliates Network (TYAN), Republic of Tunisia participated by over 36 delegates representing 37 institutions from 22 countries i.e. Arab Republic of Egypt, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kingdom of Norway, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, People's Republic of China, Republic of Algeria, Republic of Benin, Republic of Cameroon, Republic of Gambia, Republic of Iraq, Republic of Italy, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Philippine, Republic of Senegal, Republic of Sudan, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Uganda and Sultanate of Oman. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=144752


  1. Memorandum of Understanding for Scientific and Educational Cooperation between INIT and Inter Islamic Network on Science and Technology Parks (INSTP), on June 1st, 2016, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The MoU consisted of articles detailing the areas which shall be the focus for collaborations between the two Networks. The areas included promotion of pre-defined programs by both networks such as capacity building, promoting training with joint research and development activities, participation in conferences and academic meetings facilitating the exchange of staff, information and materials and other exchanges that both organizations agree to, with the belief that the research and education process at both organizations would be enhanced. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=92823


  1. All Pakistan DICE – IET Innovation Event 2019 at CUI Lahore, Islamic Republic of Coordinated arrangements for sponsoring All Pakistan DICE – IET Innovation Event held in March 2019 at CUI Lahore Campus in collaboration with the Distinguished Innovations Collaborations and Entrepreneurship (DICE), USA. The event was sponsored by the INIT under its program of ‘IT Popularization and Capacity Building Fund’.


  1. 4th International Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and Biotechnology November 13 – 14, 2018, Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco The conference was convened in collaboration with ISESCO and COMSATS HQ participated by over 25 delegates representing 18 institutions from 14 countries i.e. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Morocco, People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, People's Republic of China, Republic of Burkina Faso, Republic of Cameroon, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Senegal, Republic of Sudan, Republic of Tunisia and Republic of Turkey. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=144752


  1. Participation in the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Board of Governors April 1 – 5, 2018, Tunis, Republic of Tunisia In realization of communique between INIT, IDB and UNESCO Chair in ICT4D, one member delegation form INIT was invited to participate in the meeting to explore the linkages at IDB regarding the newly launched $500 Million transform fund for science technology and innovation. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=144713


  1. All Pakistan DICE – IET Innovation Event, December 15 – 16, 2017 COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore Campus, Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The INIT supported CIIT, Lahore Campus in convening the event that was aimed at motivating academia, industry, government, entrepreneurs and expatriates to come to a common platform to showcase innovations and technologies, share knowledge and further collaborate with each other for the rapid development of innovative products, necessary for the economic development of the country. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=154994


  1. 6th International Symposium on Biomedical Materials: Synergizing Partnerships, December 14 – 16, 2017, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore Campus, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The INIT supported and collaborated with the CIIT, Lahore Campus in convening the symposium participated by 300 Clinicians and Researchers from 4 countries i.e. Islamic Republic of Pakistan, New Zealand, Ukraine and United Kingdom. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=154997


  1. 3 – Day Regional Consultative Workshop on “National Innovation System and Intellectual Property (Arab Region)”, Tunis, Tunisian Republic, from October 5 – 7, 2015 The workshop was convened in collaboration with ISESCO and COMSATS HQ participated by over 20 delegates from 11 countries i.e. Arab Republic of Egypt, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Morocco, Lebanese Republic, Malaysian Federation, People’s Republic of China, Republic of the Sudan, State of Palestine, Sultanate of Oman and Tunisian Republic. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=92388


  1. Showcasing Programs and Activities in Vice Chancellors Forum 2015, February 23 – 24, 2015, Islamabad, Pakistan The INIT participated in the two-day event and presented / briefed about its programs and activities to the VC Forum participants arrived from over 150 higher education institutions in the Islamic world. A dedicated exhibition stall maintained by the INIT provided an excellent opportunity to showcase the activities it performed during the preceding years as well as also briefed the participants about the opportunities available under its different programs. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=155393


  1. Consultative Meeting with ICT Experts on Programs, Activities and Future Plans of INIT, December 17, 2014, Islamabad, Pakistan The INIT convened a consultative meeting at Serena Hotel, Islamabad with participation of a select group of ICT experts. The meeting was chaired by Dr. S.M. Junaid Zaidi, President INIT. It was aimed at inviting suggestions to enhance the role and outreach of different programs of INIT. The participants appreciated the efforts of INIT in capacity building and in sensitizing the integration and diffusion of ICTs in the Islamic World. Several suggestions for new interventions and engagements by the INIT were brought forth. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=155389


  1. 3 – Day Regional Consultative Workshop on National Innovation System and Intellectual Property (African region) from November 10 – 12, 2014, Rabat – Kingdom of Morocco The workshop was convened in collaboration with ISESCO and COMSATS HQ participated by over 40 delegates representing 17 institutions from 13 countries i.e. Burkina- Faso, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Morocco, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Benin, Republic of Cote d’ Ivory, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Guinea, Republic of Niger, Republic of Senegal, Republic of Togo, Republic of Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/ConferenceA2.aspx


  1. 3 – Day Regional Consultative Workshop on National Innovation System and Intellectual Property (Asia Region) from October 7 – 9, 2013, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The workshop was convened in collaboration with ISESCO, COMSATS HQ and CIIT in which 15 eminent personals educated 64 participants representing 49 institutions from 8 countries i.e. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, People Republic of Bangladesh, People Republic of China, Swiss Confederation and United States of America. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/ConferenceA5.aspx


  1. 5th South Asian International Conference – SAICON 2013, December 4 – 6, 2013, Murree, Pakistan The INIT supported/collaborated with the Department of Business Administration, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad and a few other collaborating partner institutions in convening 5th South Asian International Conference SAICON 2013. The Conference was organized under the theme of Management, Innovation, Leadership, Economics and Strategies. It was host to 28 foreign and 276 local delegates. The Conference had 161 research papers including papers relating to application of ICTs. The discussion at such an international level helped delegates from OIC Member States to better identify the upcoming problems and propose solutions and identify the areas of common interest. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=155386


  1. Showcasing Programs and Activities in Vice Chancellors Forum 2013, September 23 – 24, 2013, Islamabad, Pakistan The INIT participated in the two-day event and presented / briefed about its programs and activities to the VC Forum participants arrived from over 300 higher education institutions in the Islamic world. A dedicated exhibition stall maintained by the INIT provided an excellent opportunity to showcase the activities it performed during the preceding years as well as also briefed the participants about the opportunities available under its different programs. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=155394


  1. 4th South Asian International Conference – SAICON 2012, December 5 – 7, 2012, Murree, Pakistan The INIT also supported/collaborated with the Department of Business Administration, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad and few other collaborating partner institutions in convening 4th South Asian International Conference SAICON 2012. The Conference was organized under the theme of ‘Emerging Knowledge Economy in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges’. The Conference was host to as many as 18 foreign delegates and 205 local delegates. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=155385


  1. Showcasing Programs and Activities in Vice Chancellors Forum 2012, June 11 – 12, 2012, Islamabad, Pakistan The INIT participated in the two-day event and presented / briefed about its programs and activities to the VC Forum participants arrived from over 150 higher education institutions in the Islamic world. A dedicated exhibition stall maintained by the INIT provided an excellent opportunity to showcase the activities it performed during the preceding years as well as also briefed the participants about the opportunities available under its different programs. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=155395


  1. 6 Day International Conference on Topology and its Applications, July 4 – 10, 2011, Islamabad, Pakistan The conference was convened in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology. ICTA 2011 was the first conference of this kind held at Islamabad. The aim of the conference was to gather topologists from around the world to explore some of the recent achievements in topology with the hope to promote scientific exchange among them. The conference featured keynote lectures, invited and contributed talks by participants, and thus provided an opportunity for informal contacts between Pakistani research students and experts in their areas of interest. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=155387


  1. 2 – Day International Conference on Diffusion of ICTs in Academia: Learning in the Digital Age in Islamic Countries from October 4 – 5, 2010, Khartoum, Republic of Sudan The conference was convened in collaboration with COMSATS HQ,, ISESCO and Industrial Consultancy and Research Center (IRCC), Sudan and University of Science and Technology Sudan, Sudan participated by academicians and scholars representing 18 institutions from 13 countries i.e. Arab Republic of Egypt, Brunei-Darussalam, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Morocco, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Republic of Sudan, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Uganda, Republic of Yemen and State of Palestine.


  1. 3 – Day International Conference On Integration of Information Technology in Science Education - January 16 – 18, 2007, Gazimagusa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus The conference was convened in collaboration with Government of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, COMSTECH, CIIT and Eastern Mediterranean University, Northern Cyprus participated by 25 notable speakers representing 21 institutions from 10 countries i.e. Federal Republic of Nigeria, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Peoples Republic of China, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Turkey, State of Palestine, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and United Arab Emirates. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/Conference4.aspx


  1. 2 – Days International Conference on ‘Technology Based Development: Strategies and Options for Pakistan’ on August 22 – 23, 2006 at Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The conference was convened in collaboration with CIIT and Higher Education Commission, Pakistan participated by eminent professors from world leading institutions and heads of local science and technology organizations representing 9 institutions from 4 countries i.e. Austria, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Thailand and United States of America.


2 – Day International Conference on ‘Contemporary Issues in Information Technology in OIC Member States’, July 26 – 27, 2005, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The conference was convened in collaboration with CIIT and Islamic Development Bank participated by researchers, academicians and practitioners representing 9 institutions from 5 countries i.e. Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Gambia, Republic of Sudan and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/Conference1.aspx