Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Institutional Strengthening

The strengthening of society’s institutions is the strengthening of society itself. Institutional Strengthening is the process through which individuals, organizations and societies obtain, strengthen and maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their own development objectives. Institutions work best when they fulfil their missions strategically, connect with key allies and expand to serve a broader constituency. Strong institutions not only serve their communities but drive meaningful change at the local, national, and international level.

Cognizant of the importance of institutional strengthening, INIT aspires to strengthen the technological infrastructure and knowledge pool of its member states via conduction of specialized courses, feasibility and research studies and creation of development funds for R&D. The establishment of ‘IT Popularization and Capacity Building Fund’ was one such step in the direction of institutional strengthening by INIT. The aim of the Fund was to support the goals of IT popularization, capacity building, content development, process re-engineering and exhibit the deployment of innovative and cost-effective approaches in addressing the social, technological and academic issues.

Similarly, to aid the OIC member states in institutional strengthening, INIT has created feasibility studies for different countries enabling them to establish new universities and fortify and diversify the curriculum of existing educational institutions by incorporating subjects related to Information Technology. Besides that, INIT has engaged in collaborations with multiple international institutions in carrying out research studies and devising different policy frameworks to support them to achieve their goals of affecting the systems and communities in the region for the greater good.

Under this program, so far, INIT has conducted 18 events in which around 420 delegates representing around 290 institutions from 42 countries participated. The brief summary of these events is given below:

  1. Forum on ICT Needs for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), at International White Cane Safety Day, October 15, 2019, Holiday Inn Hotel Islamabad, Pakistan The forum was organized in collaboration with Pakistan Disabled Foundation and was attended by 100 participants from 43 organizations working for PWDs hailing from all over Pakistan. The forum comprised of three sessions, focusing on Real Life Accounts of PWDs, Impact of Digital Pakistan Policy on PWDs, and Development of Urdu Language Screen Reading Software for the Visually Impaired.


  1. Collaboration for Successful Convening of Islamic Development Bank Transformers Roadshow, Pakistan, May 4, 2019 at COMSTECH Islamabad. The INIT collaborated with COMSMTECH and Islamic Development Bank for successful convening of the Islamic Development Bank Transformers Roadshow for Pakistan held on 4th May 2019 at the COMSTECH Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan. The INIT collaborated in the form of providing an Expert for the International Jury of the Roadshow. The event was aiming at highlighting and encouraging innovative ideas of young Pakistanis. Expert from INIT actively provided his expert services for the Roadshow which climaxed after a month of preparatory stages where applicants from Pakistan submitted their innovative ideas for addressing various problems faced by Pakistani society in achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the UN.


  1. 8th 5 – Day International Training Workshop on Internet Security: Enhancing Information Exchange Safeguards December 23 – 27, 2018, Doha, State of Qatar The workshop was convened in collaboration with ISESCO, COMSATS HQ and Qatari National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, State of Qatar participated by around 22 delegates representing 22 institutions from 9 countries i.e. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Morocco, Malaysia, Maldives, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Republic of Kazakhstan, State of Qatar and Sultanate of Oman. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=144805


  1. INIT-UNESCAP Expert Meeting on Disability-inclusive Technology and Innovation August 30, 2018, Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand INIT in collaboration with UNESCAP, UNESCO Chair in ICT4D conducted the Expert Meeting with an attendance from 32 experts hailing from 9 countries representing 21 organizations working in the subject area. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=144654


  1. Development of a Gap Analysis and Roadmap to Meet the Technology Needs of People with Disability and Special Needs in OIC Member States It is a Scoping Study aimed at identifying available resources, good practices & gaps across existing policies pertaining towards people with disabilities within five (05) OIC Member States i.e. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Malaysia, Republic of Tunisia and State of Qatar. The ongoing study has entered its final phase where a draft report has been prepared in the process of being vetted by international experts for revisions. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=144714


  1. INIT Contributions to the UNESCAP Regional Consultation on Inclusive Technology and Innovation Policies August 28-29, 2018, Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand In realization to the collaboration initiated with UNESCAP, a team of INIT experts was invited to contribute in the subject event over matters of technology and innovation. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=155391


  1. INIT Meeting with Department of International Development (DFID) of United Kingdom August 16, 2018, British High Commission, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan The team from INIT was invited to brief and advise the top management of DFID for the development strategy for Pakistan (2018-2023) on the technology needs of Pakistan. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=155392


  1. Data Revalidation Visit for the Development of a Gap Analysis and Roadmap to Meet the Technology Needs of People with Disability and Special Needs in OIC Member States April 8, 2018, Sousse, Republic of Tunisia A five-member delegation conducted field visits to collect data for the research project that is aimed at defining the elements of an accessibility infrastructure and review the availability of such elements within and across OIC member states, identifying which states are taking concrete steps to deliver elements of the infrastructure, and how that experience could support emerging services and products in other states. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=155390


  1. Collaboration Between INIT and UNESCAP for Preparation of the Background Note for Regional Consultation on Inclusive Technology and Innovation Policies January – March 2018, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan A two member INIT delegation held a meeting with Mr. Johnathan Wong that led to the decision of INIT’s role in facilitating the formation of policies related to inclusive technologies for people with disabilities. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=155388


  1. Collaboration Between INIT and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) December 2017, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan A two member INIT delegation held a meeting with Mr. Johnathan Wong that led to the decision of INIT’s role in facilitating the formation of policies related to inclusive technologies for people with disabilities. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=155397


  1. 5 – Day International Training Workshop on Internet Security: Enhancing Information Exchange Safeguards, December 19 – 23, 2017, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan The workshop was convened in collaboration with ISESCO, COMSATS HQ and the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNu), Kazakhstan participated by 40 delegates representing 16 institutions from 10 countries i.e. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Morocco, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Mauritania, Republic of Sudan and United Arab Emirates. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=143997


  1. 4th Meeting of the Arab Technology Incubators and Technoparks Network (ARTECNET), December 20 – 22, 2016, Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco A two member INIT delegation was invited to participate in the meeting to discuss and explore the avenues for future collaboration and convening joint activities enabling both the entities to achieve their objectives under different programs. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=154993


  1. 6th 5 – Day International Training Workshop on Internet Security: Enhancing Information Exchange Safeguards, December 19 – 23, 2016, Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco The workshop was conducted in collaboration with ISESCO and COMSATS HQ participated by 40 delegates representing 26 institutions from 10 countries i.e. Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Morocco, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of Gambia, Republic of Ivory Coast, Republic of Sudan, Republic of Uzbekistan, State of Palestine and United Arab Emirates. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=123408


  1. 5 – Day International Training Workshop on Internet Security: Enhancing Information Exchange Safeguards from September 14 – 18, 2015 at SESRIC, Ankara, Republic of Turkey The workshop was convened in collaboration with ISESCO, COMSATS HQ,, CIIT and the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), Turkey. The workshop trained about 40 young researchers, practitioners, academicians, system administrators and programmers working in the field of Internet/Information Security and cryptography from Brunei Darussalam, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamic Republic of  Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Kingdom of Morocco, Republic of Maldives, Republic of Turkey, State of Palestine and United Republic of Tanzania. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/NewsEventDetail.aspx?id=92358


  1. 5 – Day International Training Workshop on Internet Security: Enhancing Information Exchange Safeguards from October 19 – 23, 2014, Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania The workshop was convened in collaboration with COMSATS HQ,, ISESCO, CIIT and the Tanzania Commission for Science & Technology (COSTECH), Tanzania participated by delegates representing 42 institutions from 9 countries i.e. Arab Republic of Egypt, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Senegal, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/ConferenceA3.aspx


  1. 5 – Day International Training Workshop on Internet Security: Enhancing Information Exchange Safeguards from December 9 – 13, 2013, Nebeul - Tunisian Republic The workshop was convened in collaboration with COMSATS HQ,, ISESCO, CIIT and Higher Institute of Technological Studies (ISET), Pakistan. The workshop was conducted by 4 experts and participated by more than 15 institutions representing over 14 countries including: Arab Republic of Egypt, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Morocco, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, People Republic of Bangladesh, People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Gambia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Sudan and Republic of Turkey. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/ConferenceA4.aspx


  1. 5 – Day International Training Workshop on Internet Security: Enhancing Information Exchange Safeguard from September, 16 – 20, 2012 at Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan The workshop was convened in collaboration with COMSATS HQ,, ISESCO, CIIT, El Hassan Science City (EHSC), Jordan, Royal Science Society (RSS), Jordan and Princess Sumaya University of Technology (PUST), Jordan participated by 58 delegates representing 40 institutions from 10 countries i.e. Arab Republic of Egypt, Brunei-Darussalam, Comoros, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Sudan, Republic of Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/ConferenceA8.aspx


  1. 5 – Day International Training Workshop on Internet Security: Enhancing Information Exchange Safeguard from July 23 – 27, 2011, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic The workshop was convened in collaboration with COMSATS HQ,, CIIT, ISESCO, Ministry of Higher Education, Syria, Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology (HIAST), Syria, Syrian-COMSATS-COMSTECH IT Center (SCCITC), Syria and Arab Society of Science and Technology(ASST), Syria participated by 72 delegates representing 26 institutions from 6 countries i.e. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Bangladesh, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Sudan and Syrian Arab Republic. Further detailed information of the event is available at http://www.init.org.pk/ConferenceA9.aspx